Local tax specialist to present online at Penn State Altoona

A pen and a calculator on top of tax documents
Credit: Philip Steury - stock.adobe.com

ALTOONA, Pa. — If you are in the tech field, manufacturing, property development, agriculture, or even a community-based non-profit, you could be leaving money on the table.

Join Lindsey Bennett, tax credit specialist at KIZ Resources, LLC, for a free presentation on PA Business Tax Credits, from 10 to 11 a.m. on Tuesday, April 28, on Zoom.

This informative session will review the various programs the Commonwealth has available to support businesses across many industries, from early-stage through long-established businesses. CPAs can earn CPE credits for attending.

This event is presented by the Altoona LaunchBox supported by the Hite Family.

To register, contact Jessica Lattanza at [email protected].
